::half full, half empty::

World Water Crisis
Water is an important life source for the earth. Every living being cannot survive without water. It is used from basic human needs such as drinking, farming, sanitizing to developing civilization and industrialization. Unfortunately, water is limited to the earth and is not equality distributed across the globe. Some part of the world has abundant supply, while the other part suffers from lack of water. The scary truth is that from increasing population and usage of water, contamination, and climate change, this vital resournce is running out. Through this blog, I hope that readers to understand the global water crisis and become more aware of its seriousness. I also encourage readers to get involve in helping the issue.
Haeyoung Kim - Nov. 2009


Honduras is the knee of Central America, bordered to the south by Nicaragua and El Salvador, and to the west by Guatemala. In the rural regions, nearly 63% of the population is considered extremely poor, living on less than a dollar a day.

Families often work as subsistence farmers├óÔé¼ÔÇØgrowing only enough to feed their own families, and leaving very little money for other purchases.

In 1998 Honduras was devastated by Hurricane Mitch. The tiny country was the hardest hit by Mitch├óÔé¼Ôäós rampage. Mitch was followed by three days of rain that caused landslides and floods, burying towns and killing thousands of people. Many of the rural communities were devastated. The hurricane caused $58 million in damages and left 75% of the country without safe drinking water.

Reconstruction efforts are continuing. However, until they are complete, in these areas families are forced to rely on contaminated water supplies, and the prevalence of waterborne diseases like cholera is increasing. Mosquitoes that carry malaria and dengue fever are also a problem.

In addition to the health issues it creates, poor access to water also causes overall development to stagnate. Many women and children in the rural areas of Honduras spend up to six hours each day simply fetching water and carrying it home on their heads.
