::half full, half empty::

World Water Crisis
Water is an important life source for the earth. Every living being cannot survive without water. It is used from basic human needs such as drinking, farming, sanitizing to developing civilization and industrialization. Unfortunately, water is limited to the earth and is not equality distributed across the globe. Some part of the world has abundant supply, while the other part suffers from lack of water. The scary truth is that from increasing population and usage of water, contamination, and climate change, this vital resournce is running out. Through this blog, I hope that readers to understand the global water crisis and become more aware of its seriousness. I also encourage readers to get involve in helping the issue.
Haeyoung Kim - Nov. 2009


In rural Ethiopia, women and children walk up to six hours to collect water. Most people collect water from shallow, unprotected ponds which they share with animals. Other people collect water from shallow wells. Both of these sources are subject to contamination as rain water washes waste from surrounding areas into the source. The jugs women use to carry water back to the village weigh up to 40 pounds! Often, young children are left at home while their mother and older siblings collect water and their fathers work.

In the last 20 years, Ethiopia has experienced recurring droughts followed by food shortages and famines. During times of drought, water-related diseases are rampant. Surface water sources such as springs and ponds dry up. Remaining water sources are heavily contaminated by environmental waste, such as human and animal excreta, which is washed in when it does rain. The stagnant water serves as a breeding place for mosquitoes.

In times of drought, there is often not enough water available for people to bathe regularly. As a result, community members, especially children, suffer from scabies and eye infections. During these times, in an effort to conserve water, hand-washing after defecation or before eating is rarely practiced. Diarrheal and water-related diseases are among the principle causes of death in young children.
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